Refund Policy

30 day guarantee

All items you purchase from us are backed by a 30 day warranty. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will refund you. Return costs are the responsibility of the customer.

Cancellation of orders

Please note that once an item has been dispatched it is not possible for us to cancel the dispatch. If you wish to cancel your order after the item has been dispatched, please wait for the item to arrive and refuse it upon delivery. In this case, we will refund the full amount. If the shipment is not refused, we will not be able to refund it.

If the item arrives damaged

If an item arrives damaged, please contact our customer service team via email at Don't rush to throw away the damaged item - please provide photos so we can fix it as soon as possible. If you cannot provide photos, we will not be able to send a replacement or refund. It is not necessary to return damaged items.

Lost shipments

A parcel is considered lost if it has remained en route for more than 2 months. In this case, we can resend the item to you for free or give you a full refund. If the tracking status is "delivered" but you have not received the item, we cannot refund you and can only exchange the item.

Large figures and objects in our wall paintings and lamps collection are considered lost if they have been in transit for more than 3 months.


If an item is returned due to the end of the collection period, a failed delivery attempt, or a customs clearance issue in the destination country, we may reship the item for free or offer a refund of 50% of product price.

Customs fees

Regulations vary by country/region. Customs charges may apply to small and large shipments. Customs obligations are the responsibility of the customer.

For any other questions, please contact our customer service at the following address